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					smashthestack.org wargaming

level1 level2 level3 level4 level5 level6 level7 level8 level9 level10 level11 level12 level13


Welcome to blowfish wargame. This wargame has around 13 levels which we are going to add more as time goes by.

Your goal is to make your way through the levels according to the instructions located in the README file in each levels home directory.
Passwords are stored in /pass, also please use /code for any pieces of code/testing you do, and clean up after you!

You can get help on our IRCd which has a channel especially for blowfish (irc.smashthestack.org / #blowfish).

Connection Details

Telnet to blowfish.smashthestack.org port 6666 to recieve an encrypted passwd.
Decrypt it and log in to level2. ;)

ssh -l level2 blowfish.smashthestack.org -p 2222  <-- pay attention port 2222 >;]

Please use SSH (putty, openssh) for all connections to this game unless otherwise stated.

You may find the texts located in the knowledge base section of the main website helpful in beating this game. Good luck, and enjoy the game!
